Is your SEO and PPC missing this common key ingredient?

Is your SEO and PPC missing this common key ingredient?

Nick Clapson
Client Services Director

Have you been throwing a lot of money at search marketing and pay per click, only to see little in the way of results? Or maybe the wrong kind of results; you’re getting a lot of traffic through to your site but are barely making any conversions.

It’s something I’ve seen a lot of during my time in the world of digital marketing. Initially a rise in traffic can leave you feeling euphoric, especially after you’ve spent so much money, time, and patience watching your campaigns grow and your site become more visible.

But nobody’s buying, and it’s worrying you. The advice you’re getting? Throw more money at the problem. You’re not targeting the right people, and need to be reaching a broader audience that are willing to spend money online. Build more links on different keywords and target others in Google AdWords.

Only, that doesn’t ring true. The traffic’s there, so they must be visiting for a reason, right?

Enter Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO)

Believe it or not but it may only take a slight change on your webpages to turn that traffic into sales, collect data, or whatever other metrics you use to measure success.

It’s a technique called conversion rate optimisation (CRO), and the science behind it has helped hundreds of thousands of websites sell more products and cultivate a brand new user base.

73% of companies had absolutely no idea why shoppers abandon their shopping carts and leave their website during 2014. If you’re in that camp then it’s worth dipping into the theories behind CRO and the incredible benefits it can bring to your business.

The devil is in the detail

If people are visiting your website and leaving without making a purchase then it’s logical that there must be a reason why. And it may be something as small as a few web design and development tweaks including clearer product photos, more detailed product descriptions, greater options for delivery, smaller forms, payment options, or many other factors.

From experience this data isn’t too hard to acquire; you simply have to reach out to your customers and ask what you can do better. But there are more technical development matters to assess; let’s go back to form length, as statistics indicate that certain fields cause people to abandon their carts and look elsewhere. Do you really need all that customer data and information?

Test, tweak, test, tweak...

Comparison testing and development can help to refine sales funnels and turn that traffic into long-term conversions without you having to spend more money on your search or PPC campaigns. Instead of looking for more traffic, it pays dividends to usher that existing traffic into profitable areas of your website and help them find what they need.

Conversion rate optimisation, like search, isn’t an exact science, but the results can be astonishing and help you generate more revenue and income. And isn’t that why you’re promoting your business online anyway? It’s time to make your site start working for you by turning that traffic into long-term customers.

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