How to get the most from Project Management

How to get the most from Project Management

Jamie Carter
Managing Director

That's the way it goes with many project management processes, but it's not the way we do things here at We Are Web, so we thought we'd give you a little insight on our project management strategy and how we think it could work for you.

Our core team each have over 10 years’ experience in digital, with a strong track record in successful web design and digital marketing projects and a number of project management qualifications between them. You can be sure you’ll be working with and speaking directly to the people who can make the key decisions needed to ensure you get the most from our services.

The key stages of a Digital Marketing project

You’ll be resourced with input from a Prince 2 Project Management graduate, a working relationship that will provide you with business expertise, alongside a transparent and honest approach. We Are Web are invested in the long-term success of our clients and we possess the experience and passion to deliver top-notch digital project management. To give you a little more insight, our typical Digital Marketing Project Management process would include:

  • Scoping & Discovery: At this initial stage, we’ll put in the time to research and analyse your current online presence, how your website is performing, as well as any social media platforms or other online outlets for your business. We’ll get to know your company’s personality and current strengths, we’ll look into how you’re performing against industry competitors, presenting the whole thing to you with some ideas on how we can offer you the most effective marketing solutions going forward.
  • Strategy Creation: Once we’ve got to grips with your customer base and your current marketing strategy, we’ll present our ideas to you on how your target audience can be best reached. We’ll use our in-depth research to determine the types of content that will resonate most with your customer base and come up with a plan to present them with the most relevant information in the best possible way.
  • Content & Asset Creation: In order to continually bring you exposure and leads, we’ll work to create web pieces that are both relevant and engaging. This could be a combination of thought-provoking blog posts, interactive infographics or professional videos. We’ll use our most creative channels to grab the attention of your target audience and communicate the essence of your brand in a clear way that addresses their most pressing issues.
  • Project Overview via Asana: We use Asana to manage projects from start to finish. This allows us to quickly share developments we’ve made on your project with you to get your feedback before progressing. This is a great tool to keep you up to date with the project, as you’ll be able to collaborate and provide contributions at any point.
  • Full In-Depth Monthly Reports: We want you to see the progress being made on your project and this is why we’ll provide you with detailed monthly reports on the steps that we’ve taken to meet your project goals. We’ll look how your targets are being met and inform you about how the changes to your site and strategy are being received by your customer base.
  • Quarterly Forecasting & Planning: As your strategy is brought to life, we’ll inform you on any changes that have been made and share our idea for your future strategy. Regular reassessment is a vital undertaking for any successful strategy and we’ll adapt to meet the needs of target audience as they change and evolve.

The key stages of a Web Design project

  • Discovery Session: At the beginning of the web design process, we’ll get to know you, your business and how you’re currently performing within your industry. We’ll analyse current strengths and weaknesses and discuss exactly what you’re hoping for from your new website.
  • Scoping Document: We’ll go away from the initial discovery session with a much clearer view of your requirements, and begin to shape a bespoke plan scoping out exactly what your website will include. We can operate in a collaborative manner throughout, combining our experience and insight with your knowledge of your own company and industry to ensure that you get exactly what works best for you.
  • Design Stage: At this point, our web team will start to design pages and put all of your requirements for the new site into development, bringing your site into being. We’ll also make sure that the new website is designed and developed to be highly responsive for use on mobile, which will be a big part of SEO performance and generating great leads. You’ll receive updates at each part of the design process.
  • Amends Stage: When the website is nearing completion, you’ll be invited into the review process so that you can cast your eye over every part of your new showpiece site and see if anything needs amending.
  • Content & Data Migration: Once the site structure and design has been signed-off, we’ll begin to migrate all of the existing content and data that you want moving over from your old site, as well as adding any new content that we’ve produced for you. We’ll do all this in a way that ensures you keep any current SEO standing, alongside a new site that is purpose-built to help you improve even further.
  • Testing via Multiple Browsers & Devices: We’ll then ensure that your completed website is heavily tested across all of the major web browsers and across desktop, laptop, tablet and mobile to make sure that it is highly effective on each. Should any issues arise, we’ll of course address those before launch.
  • Go Live: This is the day we’ve all been waiting for; the day your new website goes live! We’ll help you to synchronise and promote the launch to gain the most attention for your exciting new hub of activity.
  • De-Brief & Phase 2 Planning: Once the process is complete, we don’t just move on and forget about it, we’ll meet with you to discuss how the process went, how the new site is performing, as well as looking at whether you want an additional design phase with further features added to the new site.

We’ll be invested and available at every stage of your project and we see you as a partner in our future rather than just a client. We project manage with the same level of ‘above and beyond’ commitment as if your business were our own, determined to achieve long-term success that benefits us both.

 We hope that this brief overview has been helpful in getting a picture of the level of project management we could offer for a website design and/or digital marketing project. For more information on our exact project management options, get in touch with our team today by phone, email or contact form.

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“With over 30 years collective experience across various industries, We Are Webs team of experts, are uniquely positioned to help your business grow”

Jamie Carter
Managing Director
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