How to make the most of Content Advertising

How to make the most of Content Advertising

Jamie Carter
Managing Director

Content Advertising is one of the most effective ways to continually connect with new consumers and get your brand out there. While today’s consumers may switch off at traditional sales talk, Content Advertising will allow you to advertise your brand in a more refined way.

By regularly creating unique and informative pieces to feature on paid content advertising sites, we’re able to generate the interest of readers and increase the volume of clicks through to your website. We’ll entertain and engage your audience with content that’s relevant to their lives, making them more likely to share the content with friends and online networks.

In this blog, we'll take a short look at the benefits of Content Advertising and how to plan a campaign.

The benefits of Content Advertising

As an ongoing marketing strategy, Content Advertising has a range of real benefits, including:

  • It will allow you to improve brand loyalty, attract new customers and build trust to form lasting relationships. We specialise in creating content pieces readers will be compelled to share.
  • We’ll allow your specific audience to feel that the content they are reading is valuable and highly personal by expanding their knowledge of a certain topic or inspiring them to take action or try something new. By manoeuvring social networks and other advertising platforms successfully, your brand will be able to enjoy free exposure and customer endorsement.
  • Thought-provoking blogs are not the only option for successful content marketing. We help our clients to subtly deliver brand information through a whole range of channels including social media posts, news articles, photos, graphics, podcasts and how-to videos.
  • We’re also skilled in producing short and snappy “listicles” to grab the attention of readers even when they’re on the go. Like all of our content, they’re made especially for mobile devices in order to reach a really wide audience.

Why Use Content Advertising?

By engaging audiences in this way, Content Advertising produces a much lower ‘bounce-rate’ than more traditional forms of advertising, while generating three times more clicks through to purchasing sites. While short-term marketing solutions may generate quick results, Content Advertising is the most effective way to build up a loyal customer base in the long run.

By positioning your brand as an expert in your field that can be trusted for advice, customers will be more likely to turn to you and feel that they’ve made a smart purchasing decision by doing so. We’d love to work with you to show you exactly what can be achieved through our wide-ranging Content Advertising channels, so get in touch today and our team will chat with you about how we can best meet the advertising needs of your business.

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