Why is Link Auditing & Removal useful?

Why is Link Auditing & Removal useful?

Jamie Carter
Managing Director

While it's important to put in a detailed link-building strategy to improve your short-term and long-term SEO success, one of the most immediate tasks we can carry out is the removal of any existing links that could be identified as harmful or unnatural. Chances are, if those types of links are associated with your website and haven't already caused you a Google penalty, it's only a matter of time before they will. We’ll help you to get rid of them fast.

Link Auditing

We do this by a detailed link auditing process, examining your entire link profile to ensure everything is in order. Should we notice any spam links, or intentionally harmful links, we’ll remove them rapidly before they cause a real hit to your SEO performance. Whether they were put there by yourselves unintentionally, or by hackers (or even competitors) intentionally, links to your site that Google would identify as unnatural can cause a penalty that causes your site to drop hugely in key search rankings.Our link auditing and removal process identifies and removes any unnatural backlinks that are pointing to your website, eradicating any connection that goes against Google’s quality guidelines. We’ll carry out this process with the following key steps:

  1. Identify your Backlinks: Through a detailed process involving the backlink identification tools at our disposal, we’ll compile a list of every link that is currently pointing at your website.
  2. Determine Link Quality: Through automated link-cleansing tools and a series of metrics, we’ll manually examine the details of each link and identify any that are unnatural or harmful to your site.
  3. Attempt Link Removal: Once we’ve identified all of the unnatural links, we’ll begin the process of getting those links removed by contacting the specific domains those links are on.
  4. Disavow Remaining Links: We’re confident that we’ll get the majority of any unnatural links removed, but should the manager of specific domains not comply with removing them, or there be any links on domains without contact details, we’ll get rid of your association with those harmful links by using Google’s Disavow Links tool, which tells Google not to crawl a link in connection with your site.
  5. Penalty Recovery: Should you have already been issued with a Google penalty, we’ll submit a request for Google to reconsider now that you have a clean profile of links. The removal work that’s been put in may be enough to convince Google to remove the penalty, but even if not, it notifies them of the changes that have been made and is a useful step in the recovery of your SEO authority.

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