What are the advantages of Display Advertising?

What are the advantages of Display Advertising?

Jamie Carter
Managing Director

We’ve all seen the type of ads that appear at the side of web pages as you’re navigating your way around the web. Whether you find them annoying or engaging, they can definitely be effective in catching the eye.

As an experienced digital marketing agency, we are well versed in utilising all of our work on the research, persona analysis and strategy side to think through a specific for the best display advertising campaign to get people clicking on your links. Whether it’s still images, videos or GIF-style animations, we can get people noticing you.

Types of Display Advertising

When it comes to selecting the most effective display advertising, we can help with:

  • Type of Display: We’re able to produce a wide range of display ads to fit your specific purpose and audience. As well as static advertisements, we can use animated pictures or video advertisements to really draw attention to your links and generate clicks to your site. Depending on the type of content that your audience is most likely to interact with, our designers are able to produce creative online display ads in various sizes and styles to target your audience in the most effective and creative way possible.
  • Chosen Imagery: We’ll select powerful images from a database or create completely new images and videos to advertise your business with the best possible designs. We’ll help you to target specific audiences with well-designed advertisements and increase customer engagement with your site by placing eye-catching imagery that underpins your brand in the best possible places online.
  • Specific Placement: Once we’ve decided on the type of display ad that is best for you, and helped you create and perfect the ad that you want displayed, we’ll then help you to target the best placement for your ad. We’ll use our research and analysis tools to come up with exact ideas for where your ad will be most effective, whether it’s a social media platform, a popular industry website or elsewhere.

How to manage your Display Advertising

To speak to us in more detail about managing your company’s display advertising, or any other aspect of PPC, please get in touch today. Whether you want this as a standalone service, or as part of a wider advertising and/or marketing campaign, we can build a bespoke package of services for your needs, ensuring that you get the best return on investment.

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Managing Director
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