The benefits of investing in CRO for your website

The benefits of investing in CRO for your website

Jamie Carter
Managing Director
Conversion Rate Optimisation

Driving traffic to your site is pointless unless you convert visitors into paying customers.

By using CRO (Conversion Rate Optimisation), our team have the ability to improve the user experience of a client's site and allow them to get the most from their website’s visitors.

We put a great deal of thought into every aspect of a website's design and content, refining them in a way that makes it easy for visitors to navigate the site and build a positive picture of the business in their minds, influencing their overall buying decision.

By using analytics and user feedback, we’re able to lower ongoing digital marketing costs and make a site’s performance far more efficient. With this in mind, here are a few of the key ways we could help you with your CRO.

Related: CRO for small businesses

Building your CRO Plan of Action

Each one of our clients will receive a personalised plan of action that best suits their needs, but any CRO strategy we produce will take the following areas into consideration:

  • Persona / Target Audience: We’ll undertake in-depth research into your target audience, conducting Persona Analysis to help you to find out the motivations, needs and pressing issues of your potential customers. We’ll get to grips with the core ages, locations and interests of your audience, splitting them into sub-categories to allow us to appeal to each group.
  • Buying Habit Analysis: As well as finding out who your customers are, we’ll use the Persona Analysis findings to understand the typical buying habits of your customers both on and off the web. We’ll get to grips with how your target audience come to make decisions when they’re purchasing, taking the time to understand their exact buying process and their reasoning for choosing certain brands. The insight provided by Buyer Habit Analysis will provide you with a blueprint to make the necessary changes to your site
  • Data Collection: We’re able to track user activity on your site using heat maps and visitor recordings. This will allow us to understand exactly how your customers navigate your site and interact with it. We’ll find out the pages where the most time is spent by customers and the pages with the highest bounce rate. With A/B testing and multi-variant testing, we’re able to find out what works best for your customers and use this to generate more sales.
  • Targeted Surveys: To build the very best brand and website for your target audience, we’ll conduct user testing and ask questions to find out their exact preferences and needs. We’ll try to understand what consumers like about your current site and brand as well as any features that they feel could be improved. We’ll use live chat and web survey features such as Qualaroo to fill the gaps on your website.

Moving forward with a CRO Strategy

  • Think Like a Client: In order to identify opportunities to increase the usability of your site and improve the user experience, we’ll put ourselves in the shoes of users. We might observe your app and site being used in action so that we can understand the unexpected ways that users are navigating your site and understand how it is impacting their experience.
  • Implementation: We’ll then gather the results of this in-depth research and use it to create new tools and features on your site. We’ll use A/B split testing to find out what is working best for your own customers and generating the most sales.
  • Analysis: We’ll evaluate the changes made, to ensure they’ve had a positive impact on site visitors, and make sure that they influence future decisions. We constantly measure the success of our work in order to find the perfect strategy for each client.

Improve your CRO today

An informed CRO strategy can be the difference between a casual visitor to your site clicking away within seconds, and actually becoming a paying customer or ongoing client.

Our range of detailed methods and level of expertise can give you the very best chance of increasing your conversion rate online, so for more information, please get in touch today.

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Jamie Carter
Managing Director
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